9 Things Smart People DON’T Do

9 coisas que pessoas espertas NÃO fazem
9 coisas que pessoas espertas NÃO fazem. Foto: pexels

The TalentSmart platform tested over a million people and found that 90% of the top positions are filled by individuals with a higher level of emotional intelligence.

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Travis Bradberry, a contributor to Talent Smart, researched what these people do and avoid doing to stay calm and in control of situations.

Check out the results he came to.

1. Don’t care about other people’s opinions

When emotionally intelligent individuals feel good about something they’ve done, they don’t care about others’ opinions or praise. This is because when your sense of happiness comes from comparisons with others, you lose control of your own satisfaction.
It’s okay to not completely ignore others’ reactions to your actions. But you don’t need to constantly compare yourself to others.

Let much of what people say about you at a given moment or in a specific situation pass. One thing is for sure: you’re not as good or as bad as they say.

2. Don’t forget

Emotionally intelligent people forgive quickly, but that doesn’t mean they forget. Forgiving is letting go of what went wrong to move forward.
It’s completely different from giving a second chance to someone who messed up with you. That way, you protect yourself from potential future problems.

3. Don’t die in the battle

Smart people know how important it is to leave a battle for another day. In the midst of conflict, excessive emotion or reaction can take you off your game and cause serious damage.

When you can understand your own emotions, you can choose your battles more wisely and only stay in the ring at the right time.

4. Don’t prioritize perfection

Emotionally intelligent people don’t set perfection as a goal because they know it’s unattainable. Humans make mistakes, plain and simple.
When perfection is your goal, you’re destined to fail and waste time, not only trying to achieve the impossible but also lamenting what you did wrong. It’s better to enjoy and celebrate what you did right than to suffer over what you did wrong.

5. Don’t live in the past

Mistakes can shatter your self-confidence and make it much harder to believe in yourself. Most of the time, failures occur when taking risks and trying to achieve something that’s not easy.
Smart people know that success is about “getting up after the fall.” And this rise is impossible if you keep living in the past. If your past becomes your present, it prevents you from moving forward.

6. Don’t drown in problems

When you fixate on the problems you’ve faced, you create and prolong the stress and negative emotions that came with that initial problem. Smart people don’t direct their energies at problems but, instead, focus on solutions.

7. Don’t engage with negative people

It’s always better to keep your distance from complainers because they only talk about problems and can’t find solutions. Typically, they want to pull others into their endless complaints. Listeners often get caught in the loop because they don’t want to be seen as insensitive. You can avoid being pulled into this stream by setting boundaries and distancing yourself when necessary. Think of it this way: if a person is smoking all night, would you sit next to them and inhale the smoke for hours on end? A good way to set boundaries is to ask the chronic complainers how they intend to solve the problem.

8. Don’t hold grudges

Holding grudges usually leads to stress. Just thinking about the events that triggered the grudge puts your body in battle mode. When a threat is imminent, our natural reaction is to want to survive and, therefore, to fight. Learning to move on and leave a grudge behind will not only make you feel better but also improve your physical health, according to scientific research.

9. Don’t always say yes

A study at the University of California showed that the more difficulty you have saying no, the greater the likelihood of stress, burnout, and even depression. Knowing how to say no is indeed one of the biggest challenges for many people.
“‘No’ is a powerful word that you shouldn’t be afraid of.

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